
The philosophical foundations of science are not often addressed by basic scientists; however, they have been a longstanding bedrock of scientific exploration prior to the modern iterations that we are familiar with. This text is a discourse on the formation of hypotheses along with a somewhat historical context for the dichotomous approach into questioning particular theories. I am not the only researcher that has asked, “what is the best approach to forming a hypothesis?” and here is a discussion of exactly that concept. I emphasize five core features that I view as criteria for well-formed hypotheses.


Testing a well-founded hypothesis is no easy task and the strategic approaches for experimental design vary a great deal. Careful planning depends on an adequate understanding of the nature of variable, sample analysis, and validating controls. The appropriate design of an experiment in many ways depends on the research question asked, but there are common features associated with experimental diesign that have widely applicable value. I emphasize core feautres that are indicative of an optimal experimental method.